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Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. OVA
Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. OVA, Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. OVA, Recently, My Little Sister is Unusual OVA, ImoCho, ImoCyo, 最近、妹のようすがちょっとおかしいんだが。 OVA
This OVA is divided into two parts. First one is about Torii Shoutarou following his younger sister on a date. Second one is about Christmas Eve, which Mitsuki, Yuuya and their friends spend at Kanzaki's house. Bundled with the limited-edition volume 7 of the manga. (Source: AniDB)